
Department of Speech and Language Pathology

The Department is the only such institutional unit in Croatia and with regards to the structure of its staff it is one of the leading institutions in the field of speech-language pathology in this part of Europe.

Today’s study programme of Speech and Language Pathology is conducted at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb. It is a modern programme of study which is in line with European and global standards and as such is recognized throughout the world. Diplomas of the Speech and Language Pathologists who graduated with academic degree in Croatia are recognized in the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, and South America.

The undergraduate and graduate study programmes of Speech and Language Pathology encompass the total of 53 compulsory courses and 39 elective courses (in the course of study, the student must elect some 20 elective courses). In addition to the undergraduate and graduate study programmes, the Department also conducts the postgraduate scientific study programme in the scientific branch of Speech and Language Pathology and the specialist postgraduate study in Early Communication.

Head: Assoc. Prof. Gordana Hržica, PhD
Phone: +385 (0)1 245 7443

Deputy Head: Assoc. Prof. Ana Bonetti, PhD
Phone: +385 (0)1 245 7445

Employees and Courses at the Department

Full Professor

dr. sc. Draženka Blaži Email 31
dr. sc. Mirjana Lenček Email 38

Full Professor

prof. dr. sc. Jelena Kuvač Kraljević Email 40
prof. dr. sc. Marijan Palmović Email D7
prof. dr. sc. Tatjana Prizl-Jakovac Email 36

Associate Professor

izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Bonetti Email 35
izv. prof. dr. sc. Maja Cepanec Email 41
izv. prof. dr. sc. Gordana Hržica Email 39
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša Email 34
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Leko Krhen Email 33
izv. prof. dr. sc. Sanja Šimleša Email 41

Assistant Professor

doc. dr. sc. Blaženka Brozović Email 37
doc. dr. sc. Ana Matić Škorić Email  

Senior Assistant

dr. sc. Dora Knežević Email 31
Title Semester Program External URL INFO
Academic Skills Practicum 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Academic Writing and Effective Public Communication 1
Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Aphasia 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Aphasia I 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Application of Statistic Methods in Speech and Language Pathology 5
Articulation and Phonological Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Audiology 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Augmentative and alternative communication in early intervention 1
Augmentative and Alternative Communication - Intervention and Technology Aspects 4
Autism Spectrum Disorders 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Basics of Croatian Language 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Basics of Linguistics 1, 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3, 5
Basics of Physiological and Speech Acoustics 2
Bilingualism / Multilingualism 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4, 6
Case study 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Childhood Apraxia of Speech 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Child Language Corpora 1, 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3
Clinical Exercises in Speech and Language Pathology 6
Clinical Practice of Speech and Language Pathology 1
Clinical Practice of Speech and Language Pathology 2
Clinical Practice of Speech and Language Pathology 3
Clinical Practice of Speech and Language Pathology 4
Clinical practicum 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injuries 6
Communication with families 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Craniofacial Speech Difficulties 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Croatian as a Native and Foreign Language 3
Data Analysis in Speech and Language Pathology Research - Selected Topics 1
Databases and Writing Scientific Papers 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Developmental and Acquired Language Disorders 3
Developmental neurology 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Developmental Psycholinguistics 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Developmental Speech-Language Disorders I 6
Developmental Speech-Language Disorders II 1
Differential Diagnostics of Speech Fluency Disorders 4
Disorders of Reading and Writing I 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Disorders of Reading and Writing I 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Disorders of Reading and Writing II 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Disorders of Social Communication 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Disorders of Speech Fluency 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Dyscalculia 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Dysgraphia 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Dysphagia and Feeding Disorders 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Dysphagia and Neuromuscular Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Early communication development 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Early intervention - contemporay approach 1
Early intervention programs in speech and language pathology 1
From screening to diagnosis in children with developmental difficulties 1
Functional Anatomy and Physiology 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Guided practicum in hearing impairment 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Guided practicum on early intervention programs in speech and language pathology 2
Individual Research Work 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Interpersonal Communication 1, 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3, 5
Introduction to Childhood and Adolescent Psychology 1
Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology 1
Language and Cognitive Development 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Language and Communication Disorders and Specific Learning Disability 2
Language Difficulties of Bilingual Children 3
Methodology of Language Research 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Motoric Speech Disorders 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Multidimensional Assessment of Voice Quality 3
Narrative Assessment in Speech and Language Pathology 3
Neural Basis of Fluency Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Neurodevelopmental Language Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Neurogene Degenerative Speech-Language Disorders 3, 5
Neurolinguistics 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Neurolinguistics II 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Ontogenesis of Communication 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Phonetics 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Phonologic Disorders 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Psycholinguistics 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Psychology 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Research Ethics 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Scientific Research Methods of Speech and Language Pathology 2
Selected foreign programs 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology II: Multidisciplinary approach in Hearing, Language and Speech Impairments 4, 6
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology I: Introduction to Early Intervention 3, 5
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology: Oro-pharyngeal Laryngeal Function in Speech and Language Pathology 2, 4
Selective Mutism 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Social cognition difficulties in preschool period 2
Specialist work 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Specific Learning Disorders 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Speech Acoustics 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Speech and Language Disorders of Persons with Mental Retardation 1, 3
Speech and Language Pathology Diagnostics 3
Statistical analysis using computer programs 3
Stuttering 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Voice Disorders I 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Voice Disorders II 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Voice, Speech and Swallowing Disorders 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Volunteer Work 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3, 5
Volunteer Work 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Volunteer Work 2, 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4, 6
Volunteer Work 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4, 6
Volunteer Work 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Volunteer Work I 1, 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3, 5
Volunteer Work I 1, 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3, 5
Volunteer Work II 2, 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4, 6
Volunteer Work III 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3, 5
Volunteer Work IV 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4, 6