
Department of Hearing Impairments

Department of Hearing Impairments combines interdisciplinary knowledge including speech-language pathology, audiology, and deaf education and contributes uniquely to Speech and Language Pathology study program, Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation study program, to postgraduate doctoral study program Language, Speech and Hearing Disorders, and the postgraduate specialist study program Early Intervention in Educational Rehabilitation at our Faculty.

Central to the scientific, teaching, and professional work of the Department members, is the complexity of issues related to hearing loss, from audiological, rehabilitative, cultural, linguistic, and educational perspectives. This comprises understanding of plural and diverse linguistic contexts of deaf people and deaf children’s lives, and thus language fluency and effective communication as a basis for cognitive, social and emotional development. Considering the roles of spoken and signed languages, and increasingly sophisticated hearing technologies, creates the foundation in education of professionals who work with deaf children and adults. The Department is also focused on the affirmation of Croatian Sign Language, and supporting deaf bilingual education.

Head: Assis. Prof. Marina Milković, PhD
Phone: +385 (0)1 245 7440

Employees and Courses at the Department

Full Professor

dr. sc. Sandra Bradarić-Jončić Email 30

Associate Professor

izv. prof. dr. sc. Luka Bonetti Email D1

Assistant Professor

doc. dr. sc. Iva Hrastinski Email 33
doc. dr. sc. Marina Milković Email 28

Senior Assistant

dr. sc. Marina Olujić Tomazin Email 30
Title Semester Program External URL INFO
Application of Statistic Methods in Speech and Language Pathology 5
Auditory Processing Disorders 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Basics of Law and Criminal Procedure 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Basics of Physiological and Speech Acoustics 2
Bilingual Education of Deaf Children 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Case study 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Clinical Exercises in Surdology 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 6
Cognitive Behavioural Approach in Treatment of Behavioural Disorders 2
Croatian Sign Language 101 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Croatian Sign Language 102 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Croatian Sign Language 301 1, 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3
Croatian Sign Language 302 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Croatian Sign Language 401 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Croatian Sign Language 402 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Deaf-Blindness 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Early Communication and Speech and Language Development of Children with Hearing Loss 3
Early intervention programs and sensory disorders 1
English Language 1, 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1, 3, 5
English Language II 2, 4, 6
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4, 6
Guided practicum in hearing impairment 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Hearing Impairments 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Hearing Impairments 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Inclusive Education of Deaf Children and Youth 3
Individual Research Work 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Language Development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons 1, 3
Listening and Communication in Adults with Hearing Loss 4
Manual communication 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Mathematics for Blind Persons 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Non-Verbal Communication 3, 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3, 5
Phonetics 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Psychological Aspects of Hearing Impairments 1
Psychological Basis of Behavioural Disorders I 2
Psychological Basis of Behavioural Disorders II 3
Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech I 5
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 5
Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech II 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Rehabilitation with Play Therapy I 2
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2
Research in Sign Languages 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Scientific Research Methods of Speech and Language Pathology 2
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology II: Multidisciplinary approach in Hearing, Language and Speech Impairments 4, 6
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology: The Methodology of Sign Language Research 1, 3
Selected Topics in the Educational Rehabilitation I: Hearing Impairments 3, 5