
Courses in English for Exchange Students

Courses are held as weekly individual consultations with the professors (there are no lectures for incoming students).

Incoming students can spend semester or two in our institution and choose courses offered in English (list is regularly updated).

Incoming students should choose courses from the study program which is the most similar to the study program in their home institution.

Courses in this catalogue are divided according to study level (undergraduate or graduate) and according to study program (Rehabilitation; Speech and Language Pathology; Social Pedagogy):

  • Undergraduate students can choose courses only from the undergraduate level.
  • Graduate students can choose from both levels.

Course descriptions

All courses have course descriptions, and you should read them carefully to see if you meet the course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course. If you do not meet these requirements, we suggest that you choose another course.

Explanation in the course syllabus:
Number of hours per week: L – Lecture; E – Exercises; S – Seminars

Courses in English for incoming students are organized as individual consultations with the professors. Professors can include incoming students in the lectures with Croatian students or they can have individual consultations, it is up to them.

All courses are awarded with credits using the ECTS system.

Grading System

The Croatian national grading scale has five grades with numerical equivalents:

5 = excellent - izvrstan (highest grade) - A
4 = very good - vrlo dobar - B
3 = good - dobar - C
2 = sufficient - dovoljan (minimun pass grade) - D, E
1 = fail - nedovoljan (is not written in "indeks") - F
