
Sub-Department for Statistics and Scientific Methodology

The Sub-Department for Statistics and Scientific Methodology is an organizational unit of the Faculty that develops and performs scientific and teaching activities in the field of statistics and quantitative and qualitative methods in undergraduate, graduate, integrated undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate studies.

The Head of the Sub-Department: Assis. Prof. Ajana Low, PhD
Phone: +385 (0)1 245 7519

Employees and Courses at the Sub-Department

Assistant Professor

doc. dr. sc. Ajana Löw Maštruko Email 30
Title Semester Program External URL INFO
Multivariate Data Analysis I 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Quantitative Methods 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Quantitative Methods 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Quantitative Research Methods 2, 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 2, 4
Statistics 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Statistics 1
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 1
Statistics 3
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 3
Thesis 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Thesis 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Thesis 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4
Thesis 4
Engleski jezik:
Semestri nastave: 4