Clinical, educational and research activities take place in the Laboratory. Head of the team and associates are partners and/or heads of the projects and trainings in the fied of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). In the Laboratory is conducted assessment of early social communication development, language abilities and early literacy of children with complex communication needs; assessment of needs for AAC in children with complex communication needs; individual familiy plans are created in collaboration with other associates in the Center for rehabilitaiton at the Faculty of Education and rehabilitation sciences and/or other institutions (kindergardens, social care institutions etc).
Research and professional practice are directed toward development of low-tech communication tools, development and trial of different software solutions (in multidisciplinary collaboration with the Laboratory for assistive technology and augmentative and alterntive communication at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing: and effectivness of AAC within interventions for children with complex communciation needs.
Laboratory is teaching base for courses at graduate study of Speech and language pathology and for some courses at the postgraduate specialist study Early intervention in educational rehabilitaion. Activities of the Laboratory are focused on increasing general public awareness about diversity and AAC as an intervention method.
Laboratory is equipped with contemporary high-tech devices and softwares for AAC (several tablet devices: iOS and Android systems, eye-gaze device, ICT-AAC applications, Grid 3, Communicator 5, Boardmaker, Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Dysplay, speech generating devices), simple communicators (Quicktalker), other assistive technology (switches, adapted keyboards, joystick, interactive wall, adapted toys, communicator stands), standardized tests (New Reynell language scales, Peabody picture vocabulary test), personal computer, printer and didactic materials.
Head of the Laboratory: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD
The Laboratory’s associates:
- Klara Popčević, MA SLP
- Monika Rosandić, MA SLP
Courses that are partialy conducted in the Laboratory using the Laboratory equipment:
- Social communication disorder
- Augmentative and alternative communication
- Speech and Language pathology practice
- Augmentative and alternative communication in early intervention
Projects 2015. -2019.
The harmonization of parenting and career through multi-disciplinary social services
Project duration: 10/2015 – 12/2016
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD
Building National Capacity to support Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) as an Early Intervention Method for Children aged 0-8 years with Developmental Delay/Disabilities
Project duration: 10/2016 – 09/2018
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD
Supporting Early Intervention in Childhood Through Social Learning in the City of Zagreb and Brod-posavina County
Project duration: 03/2018 – 9/2019
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD
For every child: a VOICE. Harnessing 21st century technology to promote communication, education and social inclusion for young children with developmental delays and disabilities
Project duration: 10/2019 – 10/2020
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD
An interdisciplinary model of support for children with autism spectrum disorder
Project duration: 2015 – today
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša
Language abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder and development of different types of support based on ICT
Project duration: 2019 – 2020
Project leader/coordinator for ERF: