
Penological Rehabilitation

Code: 79966
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Anita Jandrić Nišević
Lecturers: dr. sc. Joško Vukosav - Lectures

prof. dr. sc. Anita Jandrić Nišević - Exercises
dr. sc. Joško Vukosav - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat
Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Laboratory exercises 30
Practicum 30
Proofreading exercises 30
Exercises 30
Disscussion panels 30
Recreation excercises 30
Clinical practicals 30
Practical foreign language exercises 30
Methodology exercises 30
Physical education excercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
  1. Critically evaluate the etiological and phenomenological characteristics of specific behavioral problems at local, national and international levels in a given period
  2. Develop new and adapt existing models of beneficiary participation in all processes affecting them, except when legally limited
  3. Assess the characteristics and intervention needs of beneficiary using modern, scientifically and clinically based instruments / procedures
  4. Assess the characteristics of the community / specific intervention setting in order to assess the risk for the development of behavioral problems and the potential for their solution in community / specific intervention setting using standardized professional / scientific instruments / procedures
  5. Critically evaluate the role and importance of research on the characteristics and effectiveness of specific interventions for the development of new evidence-based interventions or for the improvement of existing ones
  6. Create science-based interventions with individuals, groups and communities and instruments for their implementation and monitoring
  7. Develop interventions based on the principles of empowerment of individuals, groups and communities, social inclusion and multiculturalism
  1. , 1. Interna skripta
    2. Mikšaj-Todorović, Lj. Buđanovac, A. (2001): Analiza razlika u percepciji tretmana između osuđenika iz zatvorene i otvorenih/poluotvorenih kaznenih ustanova. U: Mejovšek, M. (ur.): Prema modelu intervencija u kaznenim zavodima, Edukacijsko rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 93-114.
    3. Buđanovac, A., Vukosav, Ž. (2001): Relacije agresivnosti i percepcije tretmana. U: Mejovšek, M. (ur.): Prema modelu intervencija u kaznenim zavodima, Edukacijsko rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 73-92.
    4. Mikšaj-Todorović, Lj., Buđanovac, A. (2001): Prijedlog modela institucionalnog tretmana utemeljen na instrumentu LSI-R. U: Mejovšek, M. (ur.): Prema modelu intervencija u kaznenim zavodima, Edukacijsko rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 51-58.
    5. Buđanovac, A., Lj. Mikšaj-Todorović, Ž. Brgles (1998): Rehabilitacijski programi u institucijama u hrvatskoj penološkoj teoriji i praksi. Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, 34, 1, 13-22.
    6. Mikšaj-Todorović, Lj. A. Buđanovac, (1999): Socijalno pedagoški programi: uvjet za komunikaciju između struke i javnosti. Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 1999, 7, 1 (tematski broj), 57-64.
    7. Mikšaj-Todorović, Lj., A. Buđanovac, R. Tatalović (2001): The treatment of offenders with drink problems in penal institutions of the Republic of Croatia. Alcoholism, 27, 1, 53-66.
    8. Mikšaj-Todorović, Lj., Buđanovac, A., (2003): Evaluation of institutional and postpenal treatment of the convicted addicts. Alcoholism, 39, 1, 21-33
    9. Buđanovac, A., Jandrić, A. (2002): Stavovi konzumenata o nekim aspektima problematike droga i prevenciji u odnosu na učestalost korištenja i vrste droga. Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 10, 2, 175-190
    10. Maloić, S., Jandrić, A. (2006): Zatvor kao izbor - paradoksalna istina. Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 15, 2, 79-92, , , .
  2. , 1. McGuire, J. (ed.)(1995): What works: Reducing reoffending. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
    2. McGuire, J. (ed.)(2002): Offender rehabilitation and treatment: Effective programmes and policies to reduce re-offending. Wiley seriees in forensic clinical psychology, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
    3. Hollin, C. (ed.) (2001): Handbook od offeder assessment and treatment. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
    4. Brand-Koolen, M.J.M (ed.) (1987): Studies on the Dutch prison system. Kugler publications, Amsterdam.
    5. Haas, K.C., Alpert, G.P. (1999): The dilemmas of Corrections: contemporary Readings. Waveland Press Inc. Prospect Heights, Illinois.
    6. Andrews, DA., Bonta, JL, Hoge, RD. (1990): Classification for effective rehabilitation: Rediscovering psychology. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 17, 19-52, , , .
1. semester
Obvezni predmeti Socijalna pedagogija: Odrasli, 1. semestar - Regular studij - Social Pedagogy
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Social Pedagogy

3. semester
Obvezni predmeti Socijalna pedagogija: Odrasli, 1. semestar - Regular studij - Social Pedagogy
Consultations schedule:

Penological Rehabilitation