
Rehabilitation with Movement I

Code: 130782
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš - Methodology exercises
Svea Kučinić, mag. rehab. educ. - Methodology exercises
Take exam: Studomat
Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Clinical practicals 45
Recreation excercises 45
Laboratory exercises 45
Physical education excercises 45
Proofreading exercises 45
Disscussion panels 45
Practicum 45
Practical foreign language exercises 45
Exercises 45
Methodology exercises 45
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Through personal experience of targeted movement, students will understand the importance and effects of Rehabilitation through movement and be trained in supervised implementation of sessions in working with children and adults with disabilities of various causes, types and degrees of impairment and apply the findings to new examples.
Classes consist of short lectures and guided individual and group work on the text, related to exercises that are conducted immediately before or after the lecture. Exercises are relate to the personal experience of students with movement and the development of proposals for the application of learning in working with groups of children and persons with disabilities and related to specific tasks of students in relation to directly learned (individually, in pairs, in small and large groups). The teacher gives feedback on the proposed and performed by the students, and the feedback is given by other students according to specially made assessment lists.
The topics are as follows:
Introduction to the course
Encouraging social contact in Rehabilitation through movement - introduction games, trust and mobile games
Artistic expression and movement
Significance and subject of Rehabilitation through movement
The impact of Rehabilitation through movement on the overall development of the child
Neurological foundations of human motor skills
Motor learning: phases
Psycho-motor development of the child
Attention, concentration and perception activities
A story in motion
Methodology and organization of motor activities in working with children with disabilities
Funds in Rehabilitation through movement
Motor skills
Motor abilities
Relaxation, yoga, massage, proper breathing activities, conversation and impressions
Introduction to Horse Therapies
Structure of Rehabilitation sessions through movement
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Rehabilitation through movement
Adaptation of activities to the characteristics of children with disabilities and persons with disabilities
Learning outcomes:
  1. Distinguishing characteristics of typical development of children, youth and adults in relation to charactersitics of development of children, youth and adults with visual impairments, motor disorders, chronic diseases, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactive disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), multiple disabilities and with other developmental and acquired disabilities in functioning with various etiology (hereinafter: children with disabilities and pers
  2. Conducting education and rehabilitation assessment of levels of motor, sensory, cognitive, emotional and social functioning of children with disabilities and persons with disabilities and assessment of characteristics of their living environment (family, school, peers, housing, employment, etc.) under supervision.
  3. Implementing education and rehabilitation programs and procedures in order to improve functional development (abilities, knowledge and skills), meet individual needs and achieve quality of life for children with disabilities and persons with disabilities under supervision.
  4. Evaluating education and rehabilitation programs and procedures under supervision
  1. Rehabilitacija putem pokreta - integrativni pristup poticanju razvoja djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju i podizanju kvalitete života osoba s invaliditetom, , Kiš-Glavaš, L, Manualia Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet, Udžbenički niz, knjiga 3, ISBN 978-953-641, 2016.
  2. Evaluacija efekata programa Rehabilitacije putem pokreta na smanjenje nepoželjnih ponašanja u djece usporenog kognitivnog razvoja, , Kiš-Glavaš, L, Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, 32, 2, 1996.
  3. Evaluacija efekata programa Rehabilitacije putem pokreta u nekim aspektima socijalne kompetentnosti djece usporenog kognitivnog razvoja, , Kiš-Glavaš, L, Defektologija, 31, 1-2, 1995.
  4. Program bazične perceptivno-motoričke stimulacije, , Kiš-Glavaš, L., Teodorović, B., Levandovski, D, Fakultet za defektologiju, Defektološka biblioteka, Stručni niz, knj. 15., 1997.
  5. Bazična perceptivno-motorička stimulacija u otklanjanju autoagresivnog ponašanja, , Kiš, L., Levandovski, D., Teodorović, B, Defektologija, 26, 2, 1990.
  6. Program rehabilitacije putem pokreta, , Levandovski, D., Bratković, D, Fakultet za defektologiju, Defektološka biblioteka, Stručni niz, knj. 12., 1997.
  7. Igre za odrasle osobe s mentalnom retardacijom, , Levandovski, D., Teodorović, B., Mišić, D., Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Centar za rehabilitaciju Zagreb, 1996.
  8. Stimulacija perceptivnih i motoričkih sposobnosti, , Teodorović, B., Levandovski, D., Pintarić-Mlinar, Lj., Kiš-Glavaš, L, Fakultet za defektologiju, Defektološka biblioteka, Stručni niz, knj. 14., 1997.
6. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Rehabilitation
Consultations schedule:

Rehabilitation with Movement I