
Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology I: Introduction to Early Intervention

Code: 144649
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Draženka Blaži
Take exam: Studomat
Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Teaching the students, the proper terminology in regards to early intervention in childhood and understanding who is it meant for (candidates for early intervention programs). Understanding the modern concept of early intervention in childhood (differentiating the terms - early intervention and early therapy), understanding the concept of family-oriented approach and early intervention programs in SLP. Recognizing different services and systems that offer early intervention programs, the legislation of early intervention in Croatia and abroad, and the current state of early intervention in Croatia.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Uspostavljanje modela rane intervencije kod djece s neurorizikom i razvojnim odstupanjima, Epoha zdravlja: glasilo HMZG, 10, 1, 13-15., Blaži, D, , 2018.
  2. Definiranje ciljeva te metoda i načina podrške za dijete s teškoćama u razvoju // Razvoj inkluzivne prakse u dječjim vrtićima - Podrška uključivanju djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redovne vrtiće, Ljubešić, M., Šimleša, S., Bučar, M. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga za ranu intervenciju u djetinjstvu, 50-55., Jurić, K., Krolo Henč, P., Ivšac Pavliša, J, , 2015.
  3. Ima li potrebe za logopedskom dijagnostikom prije treće godine?, Zbornik radova, Beograd., Blaži, D, , 2013.
  4. Effectiveness for early intervention for vulnerable children: A developmental perspective, 10.1002/9780470755778.ch1., Guralnik, M.J, , 1998.
  5. Istraživanje nekih aspekata rane intervencije u djetinjstvu, Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja 45, 1, 1-14., Košiček, T. Kobetić, D. Stančić, Z., Joković Oreb, I, , 2009.
  6. Rana intervencija kod komunikacijskih i jezično-govornih odstupanja, Paediatr. Croat. 56, 1, 202-206., Ljubešić, M, , 2012.
  7. Model dijagnostičko-savjetodavnog praćenja ranoga dječjega razvoja i podrške obitelji s malom djecom, Biti roditelj - ur.; sur. Blaži, D., Brozović, B., Ivšac, J. i dr., Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži. Zagreb, Ljubešić, M, , 2003.
  8. Iskustva s ranom intervencijom roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju, Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 20, 3, 453-480., Milić Babić, M., Franc, I., Leutar, Z, , 2013.
  9. Early intervention and early experience, American Psyhological Association, 53, 2, 109-120., Ramey, C.T., Ramey, Sh.L, , 1998.
  10. Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi, , Narodne novine, , 2011.
  11. Zaključci Trećeg interdisciplinarnog simpozija o ranom razvoju i komunikaciji, , Unicef, , 2010.
  12. Why Early Intervention Works: A Systems Perspective, Infants Young Child, 24, 1, 6-28, Guralnik, M.J, , 2011.
  13. DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention / Early Childhood Special Education, , Sandall, S., McLean, M. E., Smith, B. J, ERIC, Washington, 2000.
3. semester
Logopedija, 3. semestar - Regular studij - Speech and Language Pathology

5. semester
Logopedija, 3. semestar - Regular studij - Speech and Language Pathology
Consultations schedule:

Selected Topics in Speech and Language Pathology I: Introduction to Early Intervention