

Dolazna mobilnost nastavnika u okviru UNIC projekta

Na ERF-u je od 19. lipnja do 2. srpnja 2024. boravila dr. sc. Emilia Mazurek s Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz iz Poljske (u okviru UNIC Network, kratki posjeti). Dr. Mazurek je sudjelovala u provedbi istraživanja pod nazivom „Pamtljive poruke" kao dio komunikacije u formalnoj i neformalnoj skrbi za žene oboljele od raka dojke u okviru suradnje Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Fakulteta edukacijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Lodzu (Poljska) i Klinike za tumore Kliničkog bolničkog centra „Sestre milosrdnice“ u Zagrebu. Svrha ovog istraživanja odnosi se na dobivanje uvida u modele podržavajućih i nepodržavajućih pamtljivih  poruka u formalnoj i neformalnoj skrbi za žene oboljele od raka dojke na temelju komparativne analize perspektive hrvatskih i poljskih pacijentica. Za potrebe istraživanja provedeni su intervjui s 20 pacijentica  u okviru Centra za umjetnost i medicinu Klinike za tumore u Zagrebu, te će 20 intervjua biti provedeno s članicama udruga oboljelih od raka dojke u Lodzu. U organizaciji i provedbi istraživanja sudjelovali su: prof. dr. sc. Renata Martinec i Brigita Vilč, mag. rehab. educ. te prof. dr. sc. Davor Vagić, bacc. Ivanka Herman, dr. sc. Ljiljana Mayer i primarijus dr. sc. Iva Kirac, dr. med. (Klinika za tumore u Zagrebu).

Više o UNIC-u možete naći na sljedećoj poveznici: Emilia Mazurek podijelila je s nama svoja iskustva i dojmove:

I came to the University of Zagreb as part of the project "Short-term trips of scientists to Partner Universities associated in the UNIC network" financed by University of Lodz, Poland (Decision of the Vice-Rector for Science of the University of Lodz No. 24/UNIC/2024 of April 11, 2024). Professor Renata Martinec was the Supervisor of my stay, and Brigita Vilč, Ivanka Herman and dr. sc. Ljiljana Mayer were also in our research team. The purpose of my stay at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences was to conduct research entitled ‘Memorable messages’ as part of communication in formal and informal caregiving for women with breast cancer. We conducted the interviews with breast cancer patients at the Center for Arts & Medicine at University Hospital for Tumors (Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center). We had the opportunity to learn about personal experiences of women dealing with breast cancer and making the effort to recover. Conducting research as part of international cooperation was an amazing experience for me. I think that the comparison of the results of research conducted in Croatia and Poland will make a significant contribution to the discussion on the problem of communication between patients and medical staff and informal caregivers, and will provide tips on how to improve patient care and psychoeducation for caregivers.

My stay in Zagreb was not only an intellectual feast, but also a cultural, culinary and sightseeing feast. Professor Renata Martinec and Brigita Vilč showed me beautiful places in Zagreb - more and less accessible to tourists, so I had the opportunity to see a real life in Croatia. It was absolutely amazing time!

I would like to thank many people who made it possible for me to spend two wonderful weeks in Zagreb. In particular, I would like to thank Professor Ante Bilic, Professor Tihana Novak, and, last but not least, Professor Renata Martinec, Brigita Vilč and Vesna Čavić who represent the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. Additionally, I express my gratitude to Professor Davor Vagić, Ivanka Herman, dr. sc. Ljiljana Mayer, dr. med. Iva Kirac who represent the University Hospital for Tumors (Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center). Furthermore, I appreciate that despite the ongoing treatment due to breast cancer diagnosis, patients of the hospital helped us with data collection. Thank you once again!

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